He's also 2 years younger than I am.
An interesting and engaging fellow with outlooks and perspective that I usually don't get to bounce off of. We discuss world economics, online poker, and the craft of writing. I come away with a great sense that I need to get off my ass and get to work.
Inspired I head back to the hotel, go straight to the pool and drink Sangria till the sun sets.
Mr. Father-I take Presto and his Lady to Mr. Father for dinner. Since I can't comment on Mr. Father I will say this about Presto... I am for the second time in a day Dinning with someone who is young, more accomplished and generally more Motivated and interesting than myself. no what I originally anticipated finding in Miami. Presto is a Lawyer and a film maker and has traveled the world extensively. He has an ongoing film project in Cuba that will, once finished, span more than 15 years. He is also working on educational films for Law school students.
I struggle with posting on this blog once day. I suddenly get the urge to head back to the pool.
I struggle with posting on this blog once day. I suddenly get the urge to head back to the pool.
Number one is, pretty much like anywhere, you gotta be someone to get in anywhere of note. Despite being totally outclassed at all my meals today I apperantly can get in anywhere in Miami. maybe it's my poolside heroics, or maybe its the fact that I am continually introduced as Mr. Father son.
Numero dos, and this one bothers me quite a bit. For some reason they have a ritual of tossing bar napkins everywhere. through the laser beams and pounding base you will constantly see a flurry of white napkins raining down on the packed house of little people. party confetti.
# tree. ANY surface that can be stood on WILL be danced on by a hot girl.
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